Sunday, December 14, 2008

Attract Love Using Love Spell

This Love Spell will help you to attract love from a yet unknown lover, draw towards you someone you would like a loving and lasting relationship with, or enhance an established relationship.

Prepare your tools & ingredients on your Altar

Incense stick and holder
A candle
A small container to hold salt
A small dish or bowl to hold water
A tall candle with holder (Red or Pink preferably)
Oil (Rose or Lavender)
Dried sage

Before you commence

Light the incense
Light your altar candle

Create your Sacred Space & Circle

Find a quiet place where you know you won't be disturbed. To create your Circle simply close your eyes and imagine a sphere surrounding you and your altar.

Call upon the elements

Concentrate on all five elements and how they are within you, represented on your Altar and in the world around you: Air, Earth, Fire and Water.

Raise energy

Raising your energy is bringing forth all your energy inside you and preparing to release it at the end of the Spell to go out into the world and create the changes you desire.

Imagine the energy in the form of a white light flowing throughout your body forming a ball of light deep in your chest. Tense every muscle in your body until you feel "fully charged." Relax and take a few deep breaths before proceeding

Recite your Spell

Anoint your tall candle with the oil by carefully and purposefully rubbing 3-5 drops of the oil all over the candle. Think of your lover as you gently rub the oil into the wax until the candle is covered and evenly scented. Set the candle in a holder at the centre of your altar. Light the candle. Scatter the dried sage around the lighted candle.


Grant to me my wish I make
Of love to give and love to take
Equal and fair bring henceforth to me
Love to share
So mote it be

Release energy

After completing your Spell you should release the energy that you raised. The energy is sent out into the Universe to manifest the changes you desire.

Stand before your altar and imagine the ball of light in your chest once more. Tense your muscles and "push" this energy outwards. Then, standing comfortably with your feet apart, thrust your arms upwards and outwards to form a star shape. Breathe out and imagine sending this energy out into the world. When finished, stand with feet together and touch each shoulder with opposite arms to form a cross against your chest.

Ground yourself

Relax, take some deep breaths and imagine and visualise the golden sphere around you becoming smaller until it disappears.

After Casting

Once Cast, don't discuss your Spell with another and be positive and expectant every day.

Alison Yates wrote this article. To learn more about Spells visit her website:

Alizon can Cast a Spell for you:

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