Saturday, December 13, 2008

Love Yourself First

During the Summer Of Love in 1967, the Beatles presented this powerful message to the world, "All you need is love." Basically they said you can be, do and have anything when love is present in your world. You can only give away what you already have, right?

People who love themselves truly know what love is. Those individuals are able to give love to others. (Sadly there are few people who do truly and completely love themselves.)

If you think you want more love in your life simply give love away. When you discover something missing from your world, consider the absence usually reflects your being stingy about giving it away.

When you notice a shortage of love in your life, you often wind up hoarding it. How will you receive more if you are so fearful of losing what you have?

You can blame your partner, your parents, your kids, your neighbor, etc. for failing to give you enough love OR you can choose to look at yourself and accept yourself exactly as you are (all positive and self-inflicted negative aspects included).

Your self love comes from you alone. Maybe you grew up thinking you were unlovable. You can choose to continue to live in that story (being unlovable) or you can replace that story with one of being very lovable!

The way you take care of yourself reveals your degree of self love. How you treat yourself tells others how you want them to treat you.

When you love you, know you can be, do and have anything you want because you are loved. You will also feel and receive love from others who support you.

Recently a friend spent time with me while I visited each of my adult children. She later told me that she was sure her kids know she loves them AND that she does not tell them, "I love you" often enough. I raised two great kids who have always and will continue to hear those words over and over again from me.

You may well have a different definition of love from those who you love. Your loving gestures may go unnoticed-or worse, be misinterpreted as uncaring behaviors or thoughtlessness.

Speaking the words, "I love you" tells a person you love them, but make sure you also express your love in the other ways your person needs.

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